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Lindsay is head of written reviews and it's clearly for
a reason. Her writing is picturesque, unfolding a true visual story with every sentence. Reading her reviews is simply unfolding a story page by page to give you a true idea of what each of
these attractions have to offer. 

At the end of each year, Lindsay will be giving away her very own award to one special haunted attraction of her choice.

This prestigious award goes to the haunted attraction that best caught her eye,

met all of the criteria requirements by Lindsay herself,

showed attention to the true meaning of the season,

and displayed a wonderful experience to be had by all.

Lindsay will also be adding her picks to the 

Fan Voted Haunted Honeymooner Haunt Actor of the Year Award.

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The Living Horror Story Award is intended to recognize haunts that not only provide a great show overall, but also go above and beyond to immerse their customers in their experience.

For a haunt to qualify, they must meet the following criteria: -Must have a minimum total score of 31 out of 40 possible points -Environment score must be a 9 or higher -The winning haunt must wait a year before they are eligible to win again.



We base our environment scores on what a consumer sees; outside, inside, Q - line etc. We do not focus on the "behind the scenes" aspects but more what is in the faces of the average patron as a whole. 

Scare Factor

Not all haunted attractions are meant to terrify the guest but entertain. Not all patrons will scare easily or are triggered by the same experiences. We judge our scare ratings off of what the average consumer may experience to give you an idea of who each attraction is geared toward.


Actors come in all forms, be it drop scare, sliders, Q - line,

interactive, pop scare and more. We rate the acting as a collective whole for the entirety of the experience inside the haunted attraction and complement those who excel when noticed by nominating the potential for 1 actor from each haunted attraction for the year end Haunted Honeymooners Fan Voted Haunt Actor of the Year Award 

Over All Experience

Our over all experience is not a collective score of all of 

the other categories but a category all of its own. We take Everything into account from the ticketing, line, haunt itself, "bang for your buck", controllable outside factors, actor safety, guest experience and more from a traditional haunt goers perspective and give you a fair rating for how that specific trip to the attraction went for us. 

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